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全球首次Tomb Raider評價出爐

發表於 2013-2-26 11:48:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
[size=15.333333015441895px]原文連結: http://gamingeverything.com/41144/tomb-raider-gets-first-review/[size=15.333333015441895px]

[size=15.333333015441895px]Tomb Raider has received its first review, courtesy of this month’s issue of GamesMaster.

Crystal Dynamics’ latest earned a 90% score. The magazine had high praise for Tomb Raider’s visuals – the title was given a 95% rating in the category.
GameMaster對整體遊戲給予了90%的高度評價, 而對於其遊戲視覺尤為讚賞, 給了高達95%的評分

Players can look forward to 10-15 hours for the main story, though GamesMaster notes that it’ll take 20 to fully explore the island.
光主線劇情就可以玩10~15小時, GameMaster表示要探索完整個島嶼起碼得花上20小時

The magazine also enjoyed the “vivid” hubs and final third of the game “with its spectacular bombast”. GamesMaster wished Tomb Raider included more side tombs, but the ones present in the game are a joy to discover. For those wondering: there aren’t many quick time events.
GameMaster很喜歡遊戲內各式各樣的hub系統(我不太了解這是什麼...) 還有遊戲最後三分之一的超華麗劇情
雖然遊戲內的古墓已能提供不少樂趣, 但GameMaster仍然希望可以增加更多的支線古墓來探索
GamesMaster sums up:
“Sitting back exhausted we were left with just one question dribbling forth from our gaping jaws. How on earth are they going to top this in the sequel? Because of one thing there can be no doubt. Lara is back.”
玩完遊戲後真的是令我們目瞪口呆, 我們非常想知道他們到底是如何才能做出如此超越前作的續作?因為有件事絕對是毫無疑問的----蘿拉回來了!!!

Look out for a whole slew of Tomb Raider reviews early next week. Square Enix will be ending the game’s embargo on Monday – over a week before the game launches.
SQEX對古墓奇兵的評價解禁將在下周一(台灣時間下周二), 到時將有更多的評分出爐

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