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LT+3.0 for BENQ(04421C) Liteon(02510C)

發表於 2011-12-25 10:45:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 basely 於 2011-12-25 21:21 編輯
" S& t- L. t9 e: p0 ]. ~
& n' \  K. T  c+ v" f; r9 d今天c4e釋出LT+3.0 for BENQ、Liteon版本韌體,目前僅有厚機這兩款光碟機支援,
/ v: Z, y. B2 {slim主機部份尚未釋出,請耐心等候最新消息。# b; w) U( H: S, `1 r3 T
: E# {$ {& M1 a* h0 k" @- P
4EÆs iXtreme LT+ in association with Team Jungle & Team Xecuter
$ y+ @+ h; \  P! ^1 @2 U  Y----------------------------------------------------------------
$ _9 p) X: w  O, I0 @0 VOfficial release of the iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Benq and phat Liteons" y" G; Z, `4 Z7 ?4 T4 ]+ m! G: z
- Support for topology data on AP25 enabled titles. Will correctly answer any ap25 challenge eliminating  need for dae.bin to create a backup.+ p" e! i( O9 X" g( x* Q; M8 }
- No need to make new backups everytime dae.bin is updated on console Topology Data& L* Y# ~3 G, e, O0 U( G
-------------" p# y: B' x1 q: n5 V) S
When ap25 was first introduced I devised a way of calculating any challenge which I called the silver  bullet which I made reference to a long time ago.
( W2 ]5 g. z2 a7 aThis was withheld until it was absolutely necessary. It was easier to replay the fixed challenges.7 K' u5 ~- l. \- \# x
With unique per console ap25 challenges it has become necessary to use the silver bullet.0 ^7 D, Q& \+ v9 |/ Y
A series of measurements are taken across the disk. This topology data is then used to calculate a response to any ap25 challenge.
# T, G( y3 M7 ], A' ?0 V' KIt is very important that the drive used to create the topology data is reliable at reading discs as bad topology data equals bad ap25 responses.
& x7 s" g# R; a3 [8 V, W' [Liteon drives using 0800 v3 seem to be more accurate for this purpose. Only ap25 enabled titles require topology data. Activation of ap25 on older non-ap25 games although technically possible is highly unlikely.
5 x% ?) p4 I- [0 o2 l" [5 jCurrently topology data for xgd3 titles are similar and topology data from one xgd3 title will pass on another xgd3 title although this is not advisable.
( X) v# ^* g" U/ l# P8 |! ]Per title title topology data is best as there are slight differences between titles and newer titles could have different topology than existing ones.2 m( A1 o* x* t6 |$ I

$ H) |& r( K3 o6 f) t- LI would like to wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy new year. I look forward to the challenges ahead. ! [  X1 m: b* }$ r
Thanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development process.
9 U- w1 U& `. b' RThanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.$ G+ R4 y5 o& y# O

5 V9 j  D4 K2 n$ `LT+3.0 BENQ、Liteon firmware Download
+ C3 d, y$ i( F4 q3 W; [' v9 ^' v
LT+3.0刷完後所有xgd3及ap25遊戲必需重新打上補丁,重新備份重新燒錄才能夠支援,9 B8 b+ `* g  g
萬用補丁已放至燒錄相關討論區,有需要可到燒錄區下載補丁軟體及補丁檔。% Y& B" d) g6 A4 B$ a5 o
發表於 2011-12-25 14:11:43 | 只看該作者
  U# ~7 B7 J7 j% W, {$ h' G) A* O/ e" X2 J  L  T
What's new/fixed:% \4 [, D8 a8 a
* Changed - Minor tweaks to Image Browser dialog
, F! W% }# O' Z9 D6 N* Changed - AP25 iXtreme LT+ v3.0 method to "Profiling") s# j* J9 d  F7 g0 l
* Changed - Image Browser to better match stand alone app7 Z7 k( }1 t$ |2 S- L
* Removed - Convert to SplitVid tool
% v" x- O9 e# v* Removed - ISO Tagging feature; g8 g; r- w4 h  y! a6 m
* Fixed - Ripping xgd1 titles( p# N3 v* E( A( {' [
* Fixed - xgd3 drive response SS details
9 {7 e9 ]' F4 ~# G* Fixed - Assortment of minor issues
+ T, i: p6 @6 e) K* Added - Windows 7 Taskbar Progress. j; n. K- n3 A4 F
" V1 A% G) f# w" [% E3 H
Official Site: (n/a By Redline99)" H* a" u3 T  Z9 T% Q
Download: here* U) e1 M, y6 g
News-Source: xbins.org9 W# [" M! ~( V3 r: a* [. L" z
$ R# L/ m8 y4 x2 m8 ]2 r" R
$ O" d4 p) E8 Q
發表於 2011-12-25 15:09:43 | 只看該作者
 樓主| 發表於 2011-12-25 15:57:34 | 只看該作者
etctve 發表於 2011-12-25 15:09 7 u' V2 X, f2 `% D7 ?

7 L3 g8 w$ J% w如果沒有原版可以等人放出ppf補丁檔,讀出iso檔後再打完補丁重新燒錄就ok了,' s; O7 y/ P, O- M: c+ Y
發表於 2011-12-25 17:00:43 | 只看該作者
請問我剛剛拿去刷LT3.0了 那版本也要升到14699嗎? 因為剛剛看一下機子版本是13604的,我要自己先離線更新嗎? 還是直接上網更新就OK了?
 樓主| 發表於 2011-12-25 17:52:04 | 只看該作者
aspire915 發表於 2011-12-25 17:00
- i3 q' U. X( [! m0 s( K請問我剛剛拿去刷LT3.0了 那版本也要升到14699嗎? 因為剛剛看一下機子版本是13604的,我要自己先離線更新嗎? ...
& f9 W, G+ Q4 j5 |: v
發表於 2011-12-25 18:12:55 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 hp4523782 於 2011-12-25 18:13 編輯
& e2 A" p7 _( h0 M8 E9 N: {2 x
happytvgame 發表於 2011-12-25 14:11 8 q7 N  u$ R; a. W
2 L3 @. y* g( j) ^9 r4 O" O+ C# u& f; ]  ~% A
What's new/fixed:
# l9 Z2 D- v  y
版主 關於你說的 之前的備份片無法使用
( R% o  A9 Q4 i3 q" _5 j4 Q2 j" \% D. t) n
 樓主| 發表於 2011-12-25 18:17:35 | 只看該作者
hp4523782 發表於 2011-12-25 18:12
3 M( m6 Y, g, j9 e$ I% l版主 關於你說的 之前的備份片無法使用
3 H) d& K8 E6 {# z8 V) M! g
( @- b8 W  [: X' o" `5 E! i有包括XGD2的遊戲片在內嗎?
( z, O8 [" o2 u0 ~
發表於 2011-12-25 18:20:02 | 只看該作者
basely 發表於 2011-12-25 18:17 ' g# _( L' s; d) {6 ]3 J

- \2 B" C; q* T3 r9 `( {意思是...現在去重刷過3.0& t( s) F% Z+ o4 Q- r
, P8 o6 g& \9 V( t: J! l# f( i: }
XGD3的片子還是不能玩的意思?' k2 V/ Z5 q+ u+ w

9 k: Y- [" u. f5 d* t/ M+ \
 樓主| 發表於 2011-12-25 18:22:05 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 basely 於 2011-12-25 21:21 編輯 % s: X- Y' _$ {5 L* y: U* a1 K
hp4523782 發表於 2011-12-25 18:20 " E4 J) B. N$ A6 t
- L. U4 z/ ^2 Z% y9 Q; t
3 j0 e9 @% P4 A  z2 WXGD3的片子還是不能玩的意思?

2 W* [! R2 b  r% `% ^已有萬用補丁,可到燒錄討論區下載。
發表於 2011-12-25 18:29:20 | 只看該作者
basely 發表於 2011-12-25 18:22 ) i, r1 s/ A5 P/ K, j
可以這麼說沒錯,除非您有原版光碟轉成iso for LT+3.0.....
1 }- U+ ~$ x6 L# @6 |! l不然可以等國外釋出補丁ppf檔,目前已有5款遊 ...
. n7 b  a4 j. t9 ]( x2 f5 H) z
ok 這麼說我了解了- V, N4 r, h3 f( D9 i

  S+ t5 R9 O, J' R, `5 D! U% t多謝版主
發表於 2011-12-25 19:23:14 | 只看該作者
basely 發表於 2011-12-25 18:22
+ U- b  p3 o4 e3 C可以這麼說沒錯,除非您有原版光碟轉成iso for LT+3.0.....
4 H, l' H8 X1 R) N' ^8 c不然可以等國外釋出補丁ppf檔,目前已有5款遊 ...
1 w, ~) L+ d. E& U
請問版主( Q: N# T% k. j- n* ]# Z
萬一以後系統版本再升級& _& W% f% P' m1 {4 \# E2 |
1 J5 W5 I& C4 X: u" ?這樣就像AP25遊戲,要一直重燒片
% j  q, [/ [8 t7 w應該是這樣吧
 樓主| 發表於 2011-12-25 19:44:10 | 只看該作者
JAHN236 發表於 2011-12-25 19:23 $ x) C: n+ u3 p: @* \
! d9 T$ e9 D$ K& v8 e4 |. a3 e萬一以後系統版本再升級
# p0 b: N7 m9 L6 a0 bXGD3有可能還要打新補丁囉

9 _2 i1 ~, \" O( i6 ]# ]要看以後微軟怎麼做,基本上這次補丁就是針對微軟修改dae,bin改變讀取方式做的修正,- e, G/ I: Q- u) x9 B9 K4 B7 O
發表於 2011-12-25 19:55:42 | 只看該作者
 樓主| 發表於 2011-12-25 20:08:51 | 只看該作者
ibj 發表於 2011-12-25 19:55
! e+ m8 S5 |( }請問去哪找?ppf補丁檔

7 ?( M3 q+ w) D* t1 y8 h% r7 g( m! W剛已放出萬用補丁,支援所有xgd3及ap25遊戲,可到燒錄備份區查看。
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